Nonbinary people can have diverse sexual orientations, just like any other individuals. Sexual orientation refers to a person's romantic, emotional, and/or sexual attraction to others. It is distinct from gender identity.
Being nonbinary is about one's gender identity, which may not align exclusively with the categories of male or female. Nonbinary individuals may identify as having a gender that is outside or in-between the traditional binary of male and female. It is not related to their sexual orientation.
Nonbinary people can identify as gay if their romantic or sexual attraction is primarily towards people of the same gender. For example, a nonbinary individual who is attracted to other nonbinary individuals or people of the same gender can identify as gay. However, not all nonbinary individuals identify as gay. They may have different sexual orientations such as heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, or any other sexual orientation.
It is important to respect and affirm individuals' self-identified gender and sexual orientation. When discussing someone's identity, it is best to use the terms they prefer and not make assumptions based on stereotypes or generalizations. Everyone's experiences and identities are unique, and it is important to approach them with openness, respect, and understanding.